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Mum-preneuring Made Easy

12 weeks of help, guidance and support, to happily juggle it all without feeling stress & overwhelm

1 hCarrer Gran Via

Service Description

Do you ever feel like you are just about managing to do it all, but not doing any of it well enough? As a working mum who has successfully run two of my own businesses for the last 20 years, alongside caring for two children (3 if you count the husband), two dogs and home renovations, I can relate to many of the challenges we face when we're trying to be superwomen and juggle huge amounts of responsibility. It's easy to put yourself to the bottom of the list and make life all about everyone (and everything) else isn't it? You end up feeling burnt out, anxious and completely exhausted. Trying to meet your own high standards, to do it all and be a success in every area of your life, often results in total overwhelm. When we put all our time into work we feel "mom guilt", but when we take time out to be with the kids, it's often at the expense of work, so we start to feel as if we're falling behind. It can be a gruelling treadmill to maintain, and the price we often pay can be our health, happiness and even our relationships... We can all feel snappy, irritable and out of sorts when we're sacrificing our own needs at the expense of pleasing everyone else! It's ok - I see you there ❤ don't worry, I've got you :) This program is completely tailor made to give you all the support that you need: 12 weeks of private, online 60 min sessions with me, where we ensure you have support, action plans and practical guidance, tips and tools in all the life areas where you need help the most. ✔ Stop the stress cycle and rediscover your inner calm, patience and joy. ✔ Manage your time and resources to maximise your productivity AND your rest, ✔ Solve day to day parenting issues and dramas to feel back in control and valued at home, ✔ Be more assertive and happy to communicate your own needs and boundaries and ensure these are met adequately at home and at work. ✔ Improve your self-care and sleep quality ✔ Redesign yourself and your life to look and feel fabulous outside and inside. ✔ Find your sparkle and natural self-confidence at work, or socially once more Bringing in the benefit of thousands of hours experience as a therapy practitioner (specialised in stress, anxiety and self-sabotage reprogramming expertise), parenting coaching, personal style coaching PLUS private business knowledge and my own first hand 47 years of life experience (full of resolved challenges and trial and error mistakes that I have already made, so you don't have to!)

Contact Details

  • Carrer Gran Via, 43, El Toro, Spain

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