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❤ Welcome...
To the place where women find their mojo, body confidence and inner sparkle. 

Be surprised by your own capabilities, learn to TRULY love yourself and conquer the fears and self doubts in your way.

You can wake up smiling, enjoy getting things done and feel excited about living your life!    

If you're feeling overwhelmed, tired and burnt out with your family or work responsibilities or perhaps struggling with "unwelcome" changes to your body or lifestyle, it can be easy to feel like you've lost your confidence, motivation, and energy for life.
When we feel "stressed out" (from trying to juggle too much) we worry about dropping an important ball, and can find ourselves battling with unwanted weight gain, insecurities and unhelpful habits. 

❤ If this is you, please don't feel alone, I see you and I'm here in your corner. 

It's not your fault, as professional women, mums, daughters or wives, we often have so many different hats to wear, and the truth is that none of us are the superhumans that we can expect ourselves to be! 

As women, we can also find ourselves trapped in a cycle of comparison too, constantly measuring our success, our bodies and our lives against others and failing to look at our own unique strengths and achievements.


In my own youth I used to feel so insecure about my body and was always longing to be thinner, narrower and prettier!! 

As an introvert, who set up my own company in my early twenties, a working mum of two teens and now a middle aged woman who is still trying to juggle it all, I can relate to how you might be feeling, because I've been there too (and still am on some days)

Overwhelm, burnout, excessive worrying, insecurities and self-doubts can easily happen to any of us. 

Whenever we feel overwhelmed, and try to function without help, we can find ourselves wallowing in uncomfortable feelings or slamming on the brakes and going around in frustrated circles.


Do you know what I mean?


We can all avoid doing the things "that we know we need to do" and when we become jaded and totally fed up with the hum drum and treadmill of life, life begins to feel as if we are stuck in groundhog day.  

Those daily stresses and routine responsibilities feel like impossible challenges when we are in survival mode, and with a drained battery, we can even start to feel a bit numb and disconnected inside...

If you are stressed from an overwhelming workload, tired of dealing with worries and other people's dramas, struggling with toxic individuals in your life or feeling unfulfilled inside of your family and social circles, it can feel a real struggle to find the drive and motivation you need to maintain your self-care, fitness and health...


But I want you to know that it really doesn't have to be this way ❤

I'm here today to remind you that your life is to be enjoyed not endured! 


I believe that waking up to freedom, enjoying ALL of our lives, AND having success in our careers, relationships, family and health, is a gift that we can all give to ourselves.

After all...  
Why shouldn't we be able to have it all?

Imagine waking up each day, to a life and a you that you love.  
(Without wasting years and years trying to get there)

I have years of first hand experience of tapping into the amazing power of our incredible minds.


And I have helped so many others achieve great things too...


Things that they didn't dream were ever possible before.


My clients are constantly amazed by the INCREDIBLE abilities, changes and confidence they can tap into and unleash from within themselves. (With the right kind of support and help) 

I offer very specialised packages to help you overcome your challenges :

My latest and newest signature program :


"Fabulous Ever After" specifically helps women over 40 who are struggling with the chaos and unwelcome changes of midlife.

It teaches you how to de-stress, sleep well, conquer your energy levels, improve your health, self-confidence and calm, as well as giving you practical tools to release insecurities about aging, so you can leaving home feeling and looking great in yourself and your body. 


I also have other programs that are designed for women of all ages too... 


Here are some of the glass ceilings that you can expect to shatter when you work with me ❤


Get Over Social Anxiety And Shyness
Change Your Mood Without Food! (2)_edited.jpg
Break Free Of Addictions With Ease
Services brief summary

From Over Indulging In Drinking, Eating, Spending Money, Gambling  or Using Partying Substances...

To Gaining Real Freedom, Inner Pride & Taking Back Full Control Of Yourself & Your Life Life Without Those Inner Battles

From Feeling Nervous, Shy & Anxious, Procrastinating  Struggling With Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome. 

To Happily Networking, Feeling Sure of Yourself & Enjoying Life  Out In The Real World Without Letting Your Anxieties Ruin Your Career & Fun

From Struggles With Weight, Feeling Miserable About The Way You Look And Letting Yourself Down Every Day

To Finding Your Body Confidence, Restoring Your Metabolism, Correcting Your Appetite & Mastering Habit Changes The Easy Way


From Feeling Overwhelmed With Moods & Lifestyle & Bodily Changes 

To Turning Your Hormonal Chaos Into Calm, Befriending Your Body & Feeling Sparkly & Great, As You Find The Strength To Happily Conquer Your World

Level Up With Confidence And Calm, No More Faking It To Make It

From Going Around In Circles, Procrastinating & Avoiding Confrontation or People Pleasing...

To Winning More Business, Speaking Up For Yourself & Setting Happy And Healthy Boundaries To Get Your Needs Met, Without  Feeling Guilty Or Afraid 

Find Your Calm, Manage Stress And Move Beyond Burnout

From Feeling Stressed, Burnt Out and Struggling With Work, Family Or Relationships

To Being Motivated, Joyful And Calm, So You Can Actually Enjoy Days At Work,  Being Fully Present And Love Spending Time With The People You Love. 

Pippa Jolley, Empowerment And Confidence For Professionals Who Want to Level Up Without Overwhelm
More Happy Clients
Overcome Stress and Anxiety
Beat Depression, Addiction And Burnout
Testimonial From A Happy Client
Happy Clients Overcoming Anxiety

So, no matter how many times you have tried and failed before, I know that you can have freedom for yourself too. I helped myself, and so can you ❤


I've now guided so many others to breakthrough anxiety, stress and self-doubt, even when they came in to my life believing it was impossible for them.

To achieve any goal in life, we just need to be able to see a clear path to get there, we need to have real belief and "feel" that we can do it and we need to be able to recognize and remove any obstacles that are in our way.


I work on all of these things with my clients, no matter which program they choose to take with me. 


If you want to chat with me just reach out and book a complimentary 15 minute call with me, and let's see what I can do to help you too. 


Because... the truth is that when we are constantly fighting with our own survival mechanisms, our rational intelligence doesn't help us to overcome our issues. 

In a war against yourself, your voice of self doubt, your inner critic and your self-sabotage is every bit as intelligent as you are. 


So, this means that if you have a PhD... then your addictions, bad habits and your anxiety all have one too!






"I´m evolving into more acceptance of myself and already addressing the things I need to change. It´s always a wonderful journey and she genuinely cares about me...

She has helped me achieve some really fantastic things in my life. I finally found the courage to hold my very first gallery event and just WOW! it was an incredible experience. I felt like I was floating on air. 

She has so many tools that she uses to help me with the problem at hand. I definitely recommend working with Pippa, "


"Pippa truly opened my eyes and showed me that we can achieve and do anything that we want. 


Before I met her, I found so many things terrifying, especially meeting new people. I used to dread business events, dating new guys and even going out to work parties and dinners.


Now I know that I can handle anything and with a smile on my face. I am much happier; I am confident; I am out  having real fun, feeling independent and I am forever grateful to Pippa"


"I can't thank Pippa enough for all her support and help during one of  THE toughest times in my whole life. After my divorce,  I literally fell apart, and knew I was spiralling totally out of control.

I was secretly drinking, making excuses and feeling sorry for myself.

Everyone around me got totally sick of me and my behaviour.


She woke me up and put me firmly back on the right path.

I honestly don't know  where I would have ended up without her help. Cheers Pippa! "



To find out more information about Evolving Your Amazing with me, contact Pippa today.

07181 Calvià, Balearic Islands, Spain

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©2020 by Evolve Your Amazing. Proudly created by Philippa Jolley

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