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Evolve your remarkable sparkle, move past your anxieties, and own the room instead!!

Switch off the voices of self-doubt and worry to find the freedom to go after exactly what you want in life.

This nurturing and completely personalized program is the ultimate in mind, body, and life evolution.


With support, care and guidance, over a 6 month period, you can overcome anxiety and develop the courage to be whoever you want to be. 


Start to feel good enough, capable, and whole, as you evolve your amazing, inner sparkle and confidence in all the areas of life where you need it the most. 


Feel hypnotically hugged to courage, freedom and confidence so that you can:


  • Start smiling on the inside as well as the outside, 

  • Improve your relationships and enjoy making new friends,

  • Notice your academic or career beginning to flourish as you develop more confidence in yourself and your abilities, Feel motivated and happy to take on brave challenges and improve your fitness & health

  • Be inspired by challenge instead of feeling beaten by life, 

  • Start enjoying more self-care, so that you look and feel great,

  • Expand your creativity and explore your passions to find out who you really are... who you have been hiding, underneath all that stress and worry??

  • Learn ways to more easily manage your emotions and reactions so that you can begin to make helpful choices to move closer to your goals, instead of self-sabotaging.

  • Find a better quality of sleep so that you can wake up in the mornings feeling fully rested with enthusiasm and readiness to get out of bed and a desire to rock your day,

  • Set yourself up with better boundaries and finally manage to stop people pleasing and saying yes, just to avoid conflict with others or that horrid inner guilt you can feel when you put yourself first,

  • Increase your assertiveness and start to confidently ask the universe for what you want,

  • Feel like you truly deserve to have good things in life and that see a clearer path to making it happen for yourself.  


Feel fully supported and nurtured, as I hold your hand and help you to transform yourself into "You Version 2.0."    


This program includes:


  • 12 One-on-one private sessions - PLUS up to 2 hrs of my private and personal attention each month


Together we identify the areas of your life where you would like to grow, and I will give you the help you need to remove any obstacles, support your growth and shift your mindset so that you become ​empowered and catapulted onwards to achieve great things. 


  • Weekly challenges & daily support. 

  • Direct access to me and my personal services and support weekly through voxer. â€‹

  • Pdf documents and workbooks, personal meditations and hypnotic gifts to support and help you with self-awareness and growth in every area that we evolve together.​

  • Free access to both my worrier to warrior online program AND my WOW monthly membership. 


This program is an intensive and life-changing experience, which focuses on supporting and helping you to become more full of self-love, and acceptance whilst being assertive, enabled and empowered to follow your dreams and to manifest a better life.


As you feel comfortable and brave enough to be more of your natural, remarkable best self, you will learn incredibly effective and simple life and mind skills that you can use to feel more amazing and to help others feel more amazing around you.


I only accept 10 ladies a year in this program, to enable me to dedicate my personal time, care, and attention in a unique way for each of my clients. 

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