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Ever After Ease : Your Stress Solutions

Private session to reclaim your calm & take control. Create & activate a tailored stress-coping plan

45 min
97 Euros
Carrer Gran Via

Service Description

Stress happens when our lives begin to feel out of control, and our reality doesn't match what we need or want. It causes us to enter survival mode. In the short term stress helps us to thrive and succeed but chronic and prolonged stress can cause anxiety, depression, burnout and other serious physical and mental health conditions. Bruce Lipton (The geneticist from the Biology of belief) claims that 90% of all our health conditions can be traced back to stress. It switches off our immune system and digestion, pumps cortisol into our body which ages and stresses our organs and it dysregulates our hormones (for men and women). Prolonged stress can also make us feel on edge, irritable and impatient with our loved ones, and it stops us from enjoying being fully present in our life experiences. It can even make us start to question all of our life choices, our partner and our happiness. This 45 minute, one to one taster session allows us to dive deep together into your own personal triggers, to assess and improve your coping skills and examine your own unmet needs so that we can work out a structured plan to put you back in control, start self-caring and find your own calm once more. ✔ We explore and source and the potential causes of your stress triggers ✔ We develop a mindful awareness of your feelings and deal with the unhelpful thoughts that are adding to your life stress ✔ You will learn powerful self-regulation techniques to allow you to gain inner strength, switch off unhelpful thoughts and to stop losing your cool and regretting it later ✔ We assess your unmet physical and emotional needs and find some of the limiting beliefs that are stopping you from getting these met adequately in your life ✔ We also brainstorm and discuss simple and practical solutions to assist you with some of your real life problems (such as ways to deal with toxic or unpleasant individuals, methods for cutting back on drinking, binge eating or other self-sabotage behaviours, managing your time and priorities more effectively, setting boundaries for yourself and finding ways to up your self care without feeling guilty). This powerful session is a chance to experience what it's like to work with me, and you will leave with instant tools that you can use to switch yourself out of survival mode, enjoy living your life in the now once again. 🥰

Contact Details

  • Carrer Gran Via, 43, El Toro, Spain

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